We who form part of SEMILLAS are committed to commenting on and raising awareness of social justice issues in our local and global communities. We are strongly influenced by the mission and work of Maryknoll, the U.S. Catholic Mission Society. Some of us are formally linked to Maryknoll through its Affiliates program. We welcome anyone to join our Weblog community who has an interest in planting a few seeds of social justice. We hope you will enjoy our blog - we appreciate any comments.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Help Haiti

Network, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, has identified a key legislative issue that we should be pushing in the upcoming new Congress. It is a carryover initiative from the last Congress that never received Congressional action. It is a request that Congress respond concretely in a number of ways to the current situation in Haiti as it affects the poor and the oppressed. The first part of this advocacy initiative is to support a Congressionally-mandated investigation into the current Haitian regime's repressive campaign against the poor. The second advocates for a number of actions to protect Haitian refugees and defend their human rights. The third calls for the U.S. government to work closely with the UN Mission in Haiti whose mandate is to protect the Human Rights of the most vulnerable Haitians.

If you want to participate in this action on behalf of justice for Haitians, you can visit Network's action alert webpage on this issue and use their Congressional letter-writing program to send a pre-formatted letter electronically to your Congressional representatives.